Thursday, February 17, 2011

"Tell me what you think" Persuasive essay assignment.

English Language Arts Content Standards - Curriculum Frameworks (CA Dept of Education)
Mr. Uribe
Persuasive Essay (100 Points)
Task: Students are to write a persuasive or argumentative essay. In persuasive or argumentative writing, we try to convince others to agree with our facts, share our values, accept our argument and conclusions, and adopt our way of thinking. Students will choose a topic that has two clear opposing viewpoints.
Topic Deadline: Monday February 14, 2011. Students will turn in the topic of their choosing with the position they will take.
Thursday February 17, 2011: Topic returned with feedback and suggestions.
Bibliography: Students will need to gather information that supports their position and the opponent’s position. A minimum of two sources are required for your essay.
Outline: Students will need to create a formal outline that includes your thesis statement and topic sentences.
Outline and Bibliography Due: February 25th, 2011
Tuesday March 1st, 2011: Outline and Bibliography returned with feedback and suggestions.
First Draft: Students will need to produce a first draft that has all elements of the five-paragraph-essay: Introduction, three body paragraphs, and conclusion. Moreover, students should utilize as many grammar elements learned during the eighth grade year.
Due: March 11th, 2011
March 14th, 2011: First draft returned with feedback and corrections.
Final Draft: Students will need to revise their first draft and correct any mistakes pointed out by Mr. Uribe. Furthermore, students need to make sure that they correctly cite their sources to support their position and that they format the final draft in proper MLA format.
Due: March 24th, 2011

Note: Any resources needed to write your essay are available in your Step-Up-To-Writing easy pack and handouts provided to you by Mr. Uribe.

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