Tuesday, October 26, 2010


As previously mentioned we are going to focus on colonialism in Social Studies class. An important thing to be aware of is the difference between the English, French, and Spanish colonial experience in the Americas. Why does the English colonies in North America prosper?

Chapter 2
 Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Creating a primary source

For MD Class of 2011; your new assignment for the next week or so is to keep a record of the World Series. You can either write about how you watched it, with whom, and what happened. Or you can take pictures of you watching it and the TV screen, and or video record. Another thing, is to create a collage of the pictures that news organizations publish. If you want to be artistic you can create an image from one of the moments of the game. We will use this to create your own primary source about the 2010 San Francisco Giants and the torture that is Giants baseball.

 Game 1 Images

Game 2 Images

Game 3 Images

Game 4 Images

Game 5 Images

Friday, October 8, 2010


Students need to read chapters three and four of Touching Spirit Bear. They should focus on the theme of the story and be aware of any words they are unfamiliar with.

Extra Credit!

Students will be aware of words they encounter while watching TV, listening to music, talking with parents or other adults, and reading. If students are unfamiliar with any words than they should look up the definition for the words. For every word they define and turn in, students will receive extra points equal to the number of words defined. You can email Mr. Uribe at auribe@missiondolores.org or turn in on Tuesday morning.