Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Causes and Concerns

What do we stand for? Your believe system as a Mission Dolores alum has to be grounded in Catholic Social Teaching! As you become young adults you have to be aware of the issues that plague our world. Teen violence has developed at an alarming rate, and we need to understand the causes of this growth. What effect does violent video games have on our decision making when dealing with conflict resolution? What is the concern of those who believe that violent video games adversely  influence teenagers? How does Catholicism influence our decision making process when its comes to conflict resolution?

Teen violence

Violent Video Game Debate

Times Article

Catholic Perspective

Sermon on the Mount

Students need to read and analyze the information from these  hyperlinks, in order to answer the above asked questions. Your assignment is to write a position paper about the issue of teen violence and the impact of violent video games on teenagers. Use this outline form  Positon Paper Outlineto begin your paper. This will be due on Tuesday 11-23-2010

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Sentence Structure

Morning 8th graders!! Today we are going to work on sentence structure. Follow the link below and click on the sentence structure section.

8th Grade Grammar

If you finish the exercises go back to the first page and work on usage errors.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


As previously mentioned we are going to focus on colonialism in Social Studies class. An important thing to be aware of is the difference between the English, French, and Spanish colonial experience in the Americas. Why does the English colonies in North America prosper?

Chapter 2
 Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Creating a primary source

For MD Class of 2011; your new assignment for the next week or so is to keep a record of the World Series. You can either write about how you watched it, with whom, and what happened. Or you can take pictures of you watching it and the TV screen, and or video record. Another thing, is to create a collage of the pictures that news organizations publish. If you want to be artistic you can create an image from one of the moments of the game. We will use this to create your own primary source about the 2010 San Francisco Giants and the torture that is Giants baseball.

 Game 1 Images

Game 2 Images

Game 3 Images

Game 4 Images

Game 5 Images

Friday, October 8, 2010


Students need to read chapters three and four of Touching Spirit Bear. They should focus on the theme of the story and be aware of any words they are unfamiliar with.

Extra Credit!

Students will be aware of words they encounter while watching TV, listening to music, talking with parents or other adults, and reading. If students are unfamiliar with any words than they should look up the definition for the words. For every word they define and turn in, students will receive extra points equal to the number of words defined. You can email Mr. Uribe at or turn in on Tuesday morning. 

Friday, September 24, 2010

Reading for Vocabulary and Summaries

Students will choose one of the following articles to read. They need to find at least two words they are not familiar with. Moreover, students will summarize  the article in one paragraph. This will be done in their Language Arts notebooks. Lastly, the students will look up the definition for the two words they are not familiar with.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Good Tidings Permission Slip

Parents please download and return on Monday. My apologies for not getting these out sooner, I'm afraid that I'm in the beginning stages of a cold for that last two days.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Interpreting Maps

Students will indentify geographic features of Native American culture regions. This activity will help you draw conclusions about some of the challenges of adapting to various environments.

In your table group you will be assigned a Amerindian culture region and will have to examine a physical map of the region, a climate map of the region, and a vegetation map of the region. 

Students will write one paragraph about the geographic features of the
region. Repeat this process using climate and vegetation maps for informa-
tion on weather, plant life, and natural resources. Write another paragraph
describing the challenges of life in this environment. Each group should
make three inferences about how Native American groups in this region
might have adapted to their environment.

Physical Map

Climate Map
Vegetation Map

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Angel Island Wilderness Program

San Francisco Police Department is providing our students with the opportunity to hike Angel Island State Park.
We are also utilizing this as an opportunity to provide your children with a bounding retreat that will help them grow as a class community in their last year at Mission Dolores School. Please check out my website for all the documentation needed for your children to participate in this wonderful experience.

Mr. Uribe

Check out Mr. Uribe's Web Page

Hello to all!

I have created my own web page that will have any important documents for field trips, educational resources, and High Admission support.

Mr. Uribe

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Coming Soon

The new 8th grade blog will be up shortly. Check back soon for any updates