Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Computer Lab Work 5-17-2011

 Refresher on Adjective clauses. Click on the following links to access exercises.

Adjective Clauses

Adjective Clause Background

If you finish with theses links then do flipcard activities for Chapter 15


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Family History


This assignment is designed to get students involved in an activity in which they can work closely with their family, identify their ancestors, appreciate their ethnic backgrounds, understand the concept of immigration, connect events in history with the movement of their ancestors, become more cognizant of their own unique individual makeup and its cultural origins, and develop a better understanding of the United States as a melting pot.

The overall purpose of this assignment is to develop in the students the understanding that America is politically, ethnically, culturally, and economically a "NATION OF IMMIGRANTS". The emphasis of the assignment will be extensive research by the students and their families into the first Americans (immigrants) in their genealogy. The investigation should focus on the motivations for immigration, the perils of their journey to America, the problems involved in adapting to a new world, and the unique rich cultures they brought to this country.

Objectives: The student will be able to:
  1. Interview his or her family.
  2. Gather documents and records about their immigrant ancestors. (if applicable) Alternatively, students can gather documents and records about their ancestors that moved to the San Francisco Bay Area. 
  3. Research their country of countries of origin and write a brief history of the country. (if applicable) Alternatively, students can research the state their ancestors migrated from. 
  4. Write a written report on their family tree. 
The main resource will be family documents, records, pictures, and interviews.

Family Tree: (Due April 15)
Students are to trace their family tree as far back as their ancestors who were immigrants to America. Or it can be traced to the ancestors who first moved to the San Francisco Bay Area.  The emphasis will be on these individuals. 
Use the following template. 
 Note* Use the extended family chart as a guide.

Report Will Include:
  1. Diagram of Family Tree (Poster Board with as many available pictures) 
  2. History of 1st Immigrants
    1. Place of birth
    2. Pictures (if available)
    3. What brought them to the United States or San Francisco Bay Area
    4. Summary of their life in their original country or state and in the U.S. or California
    5. Examples of customs, dress, music, religion they brought to America or San Francisco
  3. Short History of the Country or state they Came From (2 pages written)
  4. Their Effect on Your Family
This Report Will be Written & Oral (Due to Mr. Uribe May 11, ready to present to school community during the week of May 16) 
  1. The Written & Oral are to be Combined for a Short Presentation
  2. The Presentation will Hopefully Contain a Lot of Visual Aids. (pictures, items from the "old country", music, posters, etc.)

A Band of Misfits

Dear parents and guardians,

For this last quarter I would like to ask you to purchase or obtain the newly released book by Andrew Baggarly, "A Band of Misfits". This will be a good non-fiction book to end the school year since the Giants world series victory occurred during your child's eighth grade term.  Amazon has it for approximately $14.00. Use the bellow link to the book page. Thank you for your support.

Mr. Uribe

Amazon: A Band of Misfits

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Get ready for some SERVICE!

Are you tired of all the talk?

Lets do the walk!

Read the information below to prepare you for our project. Field Trip form to be out shortly and four chaperones will be needed.

Thank you for scheduling a volunteer project at the San Francisco Food Bank!
You have signed up for Wednesday morning 
Date/time: April 13, 2011 - 9:00am - April 13, 2011 - 12:00pm 

GROUP RESERVATIONS: Please forward this link to your team members so they can register their attendance under your group reservation: http://vol-sffb.org/node/add/group-confirmation/18937 

It is important to update your reservation so we can accurately plan our production schedule. While your team members register their attendance for your project, you as a group leader can review the sign-up process. Please make adjustments to the overall number of participants as needed so that we can plan accordingly. Capacity limits are in place to ensure a safe and productive volunteer project in our busy warehouse.
Your project will be held at our warehouse at 900 Pennsylvania Ave. Please note: Closed-toe shoes are required at all volunteer projects. 
Please update your reservation using our online system at www.vol-sffb.org. If you cannot attend a project for which you are scheduled, please take a moment to cancel your reservation so that others may participate that day. This also helps us accurately plan our distribution schedule so we can plan our food deliveries! 

  • Closed-toe shoes are required at all volunteer projects. Anyone wearing sandals, flip-flops, or any other shoe with an open toe will not be able to participate in the project.
  • Because you'll be helping to repack food, please wear casual and clean clothing, long pants, securely fastened jewelry, and comfortable (no open-toe) shoes.
  • We suggest dressing in layers, as the temperature in the warehouse is often cool.
  • Please utilize available free street parking in front of our building (4-hour time limit) so that our agency shoppers can use our parking lot to load their vehicles.
  • After 4pm and weekend volunteers: our south parking lot by the loading dock is also available at this time
  • We ask all volunteers to sign in upon arrival.
  • Weekday daytime: please report to our reception area at the main entrance
  • After 4pm and weekends: please enter the building through our Receiving Entrance on the south side of the building near the loading dock

900 Pennsylvania Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94107 
Visit http://www.sffoodbank.org/about_us/directions.html for a map, driving directions, and public transit information. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wednesday March 9, 2011

Today in the computer lab we will have two tasks. The first is to complete two exercises on punctuation marks at the below links.

Punctuation Exercise 1

Punctuation Exercise 2

The second task today is to vist the National Archives Wedsite to view the Bill of Rights. What you need to accomplish today is record in your notebook how three of the amendments are important to us today.

Bill of Rights